Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Fellow puffing librarians...(you know who you are); if you have tried numerous times to break the nasty smoking habit and failed to break nicotine's ugly grip on you than keep an eye out for NicVax. Scientists have actually concocted a vaccination that causes smokers to produce antibodies that block nicotine (mostly) from crossing the blood brain barrier. This permits smokers to quit smoking with out fear of alienating themselves from friends and family (traditionally, quitting has turned perfectly amiable persons into mega bitches overnight). If you are like me, you will be first in line with your pants flapping in the breeze waiting to finally accept this miracle of modern medicine...HALLELULLAH!!!

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Information on Serving Patrons with Special Needs

This twenty minute video addresses the diverse needs of the patron population and how public librarians might serve those with special needs. Quick and informative for the
new or student librarian. The URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXfx-y_3Cm&mode=related&search=

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Never too early....


I will graduate from SU in approximately one year and know it is never too early to begin thinking about the job market. Locke Morrisey of San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science has created a three part lecture series that gives excellent tips to students beginning to think about entering the job market. His in information is practical and helpful. I would recommend viewing each of the three 18 minute lectures and taking his advice seriously when beginning your pursuit of a library position.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Say What?!?

After reading this I nearly burst out laughing. First of all, anyone who has taken a cataloging course quickly earns respect for ACCURATE and USEFUL cataloging (and this type of cataloging isn't a skill that magically occurs overnight). Cataloging requires training and practice. Perhaps a lot of the shoddy cataloging I have witnessed has been directly due to the fact that untrained people have been given jobs to do the job at less than desirable rates of pay. Second of all, what is the deal with the quote about information people working out of kiosks and library people working in libraries? Does Gorman have a clue what it means to be a 21st Century librarian? Does he not realize that librarians of the 21st Century are going to need to be a melding of the two?

If this isn't enough, you could always refer to the University of Buffalo for more head scratching confusion.

Technology and Librarianship need to be allowed to court! The two fields are integral to the future of libraries EVERYWHERE! What is up with this reactionary atmosphere that seems to be clouding up a future that could be so bright???

Got Sources?

This is an incredible list of awesome Web resources to use when Google just can't cut it. ENJOY!

Ten Awesome Reasons to be a Librarian

Click here to reaffirm your decision to become a librarian:

Being a librarian ROCKS! :-))

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Very Interesting....

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

For a little end of the semester diversion and a lovely picture to add to your blog page click on "What type of flower are you?" Funny I came out a snap dragon. My gramma always loved snap dragons and I always thought they were the funkiest looking fower around...

Epic 2014 & Epic 2015 - Museum of Media History�

Epic 2014 & Epic 2015 - Museum of Media History�


Click on Epic 2015 (full movie screen) to view a possible scenario for the future. This movie is extremely interesting and well put together. The beginning does give an accurate time line concerning major events that have occurred with the development of the Internet. The British creators take it beyond 2006, however, and craft plausible future events that could actually be a plausible series of developments for the not too distant future. This is powerful stuff that really gets your wheels spinning...I highly recommend viewing it!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Stacking the Deck: Is High Tech Helping Students Cheat?

Stacking the Deck: Is High Tech Helping Students Cheat?

This is a well written article from McGill University that addresses academic integrity issues at the University level. According to the article, cheating has increased and methods to combat dishonest behaviour are meeting with outcries from students. Many students do not like the notion that their papers are looked upon as being plagerized until they are proven (by such databases as Turn It In) to be original. Others resent the fact that their papers become part of the database and claim the database companies are essentially making money using students' materials without offering any compensation. Still others cite unfairness because many universities do not permit students to have the option to decline having their paper scanned for plagiarism. With all this student generated controversy, universities can easily become hand-tied.

My thought is that it is a shame that today's students aren't spending more time protesting real world problems that need attention rather than decrying university policies that strive to eliminate dishonest and dishonorable behaviour.