After reading
this I nearly burst out laughing. First of all, anyone who has taken a cataloging course quickly earns respect for ACCURATE and USEFUL cataloging (and this type of cataloging isn't a skill that magically occurs overnight). Cataloging requires training and practice. Perhaps a lot of the shoddy cataloging I have witnessed has been directly due to the fact that untrained people have been given jobs to do the job at less than desirable rates of pay. Second of all, what is the deal with the quote about information people working out of kiosks and library people working in libraries? Does Gorman have a clue what it means to be a 21st Century librarian? Does he not realize that librarians of the 21st Century are going to need to be a melding of the two?
If this isn't enough, you could always refer to the
University of Buffalo for more head scratching confusion.
Technology and Librarianship need to be allowed to court! The two fields are integral to the future of libraries EVERYWHERE! What is up with this reactionary atmosphere that seems to be clouding up a future that could be so bright???