Friday, September 29, 2006

[CODE4LIB] LC MARC records?

[CODE4LIB] LC MARC records?
Imagine the possibilities for LibraryThing and the future of cataloging if Spalding manages to get his hands on these MARC records. I wonder if LC would try to sue him (although it seems that they would be unable to if the records are truly not under copyright or redistribution restrictions. If the records became public, than libraries would no longer have a need to buy them (they could turn to the Internet for the information). This would result in LC and OCLC losing money. Eventually will libraries be dependent on the LibraryThing database rather than on OCLC and LC? Will Tim Spalding create a monopoly for himself; and if so, will he be greedy and start charging high fees to access the info.? Or, maybe Spalding will be a boon to library budgets everywhere because he will get his kickbacks from publishers and the LibraryThing database info. will be a free service to libraries. Enough of my prognostications; tell me your thoughts on what the effects might be of Spalding gaining possession of LC MARC records.


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